Saturday, March 7, 2009

Trashy (Electronic) Romance Novels

Stumbled across this little thought over on Fark. I've been looking at the Kindle, lately. For those of you out of the technological loop, the Kindle- which just produced it's second generation- is an electronic book... You can download e-books off a number of websites, nearly every bookstore that has a website seems to be getting a peice of this action, and just hook up your kindle, and away you go. No cover art, no nosy people, no boxes of books to dispose of, for those of us who are avid readers. It's a great idea, in all honesty.
The interesting part of it is that, for those that enjoy a little descriptive narration in our literature, it's that much easier to read our- I mean, their- trashy romance novels without being questioned!
Even aside from the beautiful no-questions-asked part, it's really a pretty cool idea. I know, especially being stationed in South Korea, I get frustrated trying to wait patiently for my books to arrive in the mail, and then have a hell of a time trying to figure out what I'm going to do with them once I've read them. There don't seem to be a whole lot of folks who read much here, so even passing them along is unlikely. Not bad...

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