Thursday, December 18, 2008


How many times have you told your daughter she can be anything she wants to be when she grows up?
How many times have you told her all it takes is wanting it enough?
How many times have you told her that she is as good as any boy?

Now, how many times have you told her that she never needs to remain silent when she is hurt?

There are so many women, girls, young ladies out there that have experienced so much hurt, so much pain in their lives, and yet we are always so afraid to turn to one another with it. I wonder if women have always been so distant from one another. I wonder if women were ever really able to trust one another on more than an occasional one-on-one basis. I am as guilty as the next woman of making the general statement that I simply do not get along with women. So many of us have said that, so many of us live that, so many of us wish it were different- but who are we expecting to change it? No one else is capable of taking that step forward, of opening up, of risking just a little to possible gain so much. So many of us have been through the same things, but we keep it locked up, because men don't understand it and we don't have any women around to share it with. When did we stop being sisters and start being competition? If we can't accept each other as we are, how the hell do we expect men to?
What has happened to us?

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